Wednesday 22 April 2015


I have always overheard people reprehend these lines, ‘strongest people are the loneliest.’ Every single time that I’ve come across it, my mind raises a question, ‘Am I strong then?’There’s a debacle over the issue and eventually I’m left clueless. Unanswered. Cause for me, I do get lonely at times. Does that make me strong but?
I no more unravel the definition of strong people. Do they mean physically strong, emotionally strong or is it actually intellectually strong? 
I presume every creature goes through the heavy despair state, that may be gentle or severe at times. You may be exceedingly delighted today but who knows you fall into acute desolation tomorrow?
 And the cycle continues!  
How does that make you strong or no strong? If there is a person who’s a control freak, and can handle his mental stress too well, is called someone strong; then what about that soldier who can handle too many wounds at once, and manage to fight regardless? Is he not claimed to be strong now?
 I believe no one’s strong or weak. And I mean that in all context. Everyone is accorded with an equal power to make something surface, to contend for or averse on something, to possess the so-called supreme brains to be tagged as intellectual otherwise. If you have the will, the spine to do whatever you yearn for; well, I guess you can be defined as being strong then? Strength is not the knack to control or restrain yourself from doing something. It also doesn’t mean resisting until your body sheds off blood. Strength is not concealing your sorrow or being able to smile it away in front of others or cry aloud while they are gone. It is having the itch to face it. Strength is capturing the context.
If you are a sucker at studies, if you flunk in a couple of exams. If he calls you awful and you’re being disowned for your kindness. If you don’t comprehend things easily.  If they treat you as an underdog, for they consider you less. If every person in the world is smart and physically gorgeous, and you’re just one crooked dumbass. Regardless of the all the attributes that they possess, if they don’t have the courage to face their vulnerabilities and invade them, whilst you innate the ‘Never Back Down’ attitude; then well Mister, you’re strong. And they are weak.
Also, loneliness is not a crime. Doesn’t necessarily mean that all the people are strong and all the strongest are the loneliest. The weak souls, who bet being strong, do get deserted too.  It’s okay to be elated at times, and cry aloud when you feel lonesome. It is only the secret treatment that makes it objectionable. If you call yourself strong just to brag about it; and later go back home, lock yourself up in the shower and cry like a freak, and make sure nobody hears you through the falling water; then for your enlightment: YOU ARE WEAK. Cause’ you’re not facing it.
So next time if anyone calls you weak or strong, tell them you did not finish even after the worse struck you. You didn’t impede yourself from the context, you captured it. Tell them you’re strong and you’re strong enough. Loneliness doesn’t pull you any back, it makes you move ahead, and with  greater intent. For you are strong, and grieved at times, but you’re a force that doesn’t cease to exist. You’re crooked but you’re YOU, with your flaws. You accept them. You do get lonely and you assert it with much pride, and this makes you strong and impregnable. But weak people are forsaken too, and perhaps they are more than what you are. And so, you’re not the ONLY lonely people alive. There are others too.

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